Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in New Hampshire

Address: 03440

Approximate value $: 79,000

campon 2+-acres 1200 square feet+-, 2 bay type windows in back room, back room is 11 1/2+- x 26 feet +- it is used as a bedroom at present, 2 smaller bedrooms upstairs, living room is 10+-x20+- feet, kitchen 12 x 10+- feet, bathroom 8 x10 +- feetwith washer dryer in bathroom, front porch 18 x 6 1/2 +- feet,
new roof on 3/4 of house, dug well, 1,000 gallon septic,
needs finishing inside and could use another paint job, plumbing, electrical were updated in 1990 , borders brook and mountain in the back yard, walk to school, town, only 30 to 35 miles to Manchester, Keene, Concord, Rindge, and Nashua, NH and about 50+- miles to Boston, Mass.
will trade even for house or camp on the coast of Florida prefer the east coast from St. Augustine to Oak Hill more or less, but will consider the west coast from clearwater to New Port Richey

In exchange for House in Florida

Approximate value $ : 79,000

house, camp, no condo's, timeshares, mobile home parks, must be on it's own land

ID: 1616, Submitted: 10/10/2008 20:03:44, Updated: 10/31/2008 13:24:14, Visitors: 2828


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